Sunday, February 13, 2011

Living personified!

Tangible and intangible variants of a meaningful survival are best appealed when addressed metaphorically. Passion is such a sublime and a predominant attribute venerated distinctly amongst all facets of positive life connotations.

Thought and the associated action are the fundamental aspects that distinguish human survival from that of the others. Thought is a stray framework of a non-empty mind and a good thought is certainly a monopoly of none. Yet it takes passion to live the thought, to protect it dearly from the impediments or from the mind bogglers that may come in between and to carry it all the way to a meaningful implementation.

Passion is a genre of living. It has a distinct aroma of accomplishment, energy and is characterized by an indomitable urge to create something that lives beyond a human life. It makes one feel that a continual quest towards making a difference is the vital ingredient of living.

A keen observation reveals that flowing water is always pure while the stagnant one settles the sediments within. Life can be contemplated from this water analogy. It is intrinsically not pure and has many imperfect sediments that bother us consistently either in conscious or in our subconscious state of mind. Yet it is important to move on and wash away the imperfections of the past. A potent force similar to a forceful stream is vital for this psychological cleansing and this is the precise virtue we currently address.

Passion runs in the veins as the driver to face life head-on and in first place it inculcates a strong reason to be. It plays a crucial role in embellishing a life; pretty similar to adding fragrance to the flower without which it wouldn’t have had much of a justified existence. And most importantly beyond an individual circle, passion radiates passion.

The areas requiring a passionate and staggering amount of involvement are fortunately else unfortunately unbound. This necessitates staunch game changers creating a worth around. The idea is not to live forever, but to create something that will.