A piece of novel art- duplication of which is beyond the capacity of even the original creator is known as a masterpiece. Of all that was created by god, human spirit was such an unparalleled virtue. The indefatigable and the charismatic attribute of this handiwork has been so impeccable that the mesmerized gods keep on re-validating the design for centuries that passed and the ones to come!
“Contingency” always strikes the unprepared- that is how the word was coined to mean. Yet the Japanese episodes are characterized beyond the routine connotation of interpretations. The view of vehicles being tossed around, infrastructure being submerged and destroyed, and human / non-human existence undergoing an uncontrolled massacre in a matter of moments- represented the shear physical inability of a life to surmount nature or super natural demolishers! If the mere “view” sent shivers down the spine- the surviving witnesses should certainly have accounts that cannot be captured in words and in the realms of imagination.
The survivors, saviors and the reformers already into action are all aware of the possible dreadful re-occurrence anytime in the future. Yet this does not confine the effort to revamp the past and the present state of shamble. Leaving the comfort zone for capturing higher podiums is always exacting; however starting afresh in this quest, after uncontrolled and compelled time frames is itself a podium delivering doctrines of unique human spirits.
I wonder if we really need a mystical bird “phoenix” when the attributes of our own people depict exemplary virtues of optimism and revere for dignified existence!