Monday, February 22, 2010


Revolution is a re-evolution. That is how I suppose it was coined for the past innumerable centuries and it would be perceived for the centuries to come. History is a witness to the fact that, that is what it always meant. It can be in a person, in a society, in a system, in anything and everything. Each individual is competent of being a reason for it. Man is a true social entity. Nevertheless, it has always possibly been undermined that this fact at times influences the very way a human mind shapes up and probably succumbs in the journey never tried. Potential of a human being if conditioned effectively to withstand the girding factors, is an immaculate piece of divine creation, unshaken and free from physical and mental fatigue.

An undetermined human mind is similar to a cushion. It accepts without being selective- all the heads with positive as well as negative thoughts. A revolutionary mindset always demands thinking and envisaging circumstances far beyond the current ones. It is the urge to embrace the change. Change for the better. Change which is the reason of our core survival. 

Revolution was always on the mind of the stalwarts who made things happen. It is no one's monopoly. Thank god in spite of the globalized economy and the privatization oriented economics, revolution was, is and will always be in a public domain- thus giving every individual a reason to hope, aspire and develop in whatever paradigms one defines for oneself!   

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