Saturday, November 17, 2012

Midst of a busy road…

The way we live is aptly canvased by a panorama in the midst of a busy road. None participants similar, yet sharing a remarkable resemblance in the sense of urgency and indifference. Each one craves for one more inch, yet another inch on the road chosen. Time at the crossroad is a moment for the traveler to look at the destitution and disparity on all accounts of life, usually intended to be ignored. Pleading palms and eyes- few genuine and few not, do not have a slightest impact on the preoccupied onlookers. Yet the cacophony of silence in the minds of the people clutters the road.

Each person is a labyrinth...Labyrinth of bonds, emotions, aspirations, needs, wants, desires, attachments and expectations. Such individual packages run through the day from the brink of dawn until the exhausted dark. The incredibility of this phenomenon is that, it continued for the years that passed, it is up and running occurrence today and it would continue for the time to come. The participants would change, the energies, attitudes would yet be undeterred.

The journey seems to be perpetually existent. The cycle continues. Next morning, the eye lashes struggle bereavement from the slumber. The light creeps in and all senses go ajar from the state of dormancy yet again with the same energies. The mind starts ticking and the human being is restored on the path known to be ephemerally perennial…

Credibly incredible aspect about this journey is, knowing that the existence is temporary does not deter the spirit of life. Be it a philosophical ignorance else, a supernaturally imbibed human attitude, the spirit of celebrating the new day is the epitome of existence. 

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